150 minHD The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, United Kingdom, United States 15 May 2008Alexa Alden, Allan Poppleton, Amand Weaver, Andrew Adamson, Bryan Lee Hudkins, Dean Wright, Emma Hinton, Frantisek Rezek, Gabriel Reid, Jakub Dvorak Trailer Watch
110 minHD The Nun II (2023) Horror, Mystery, Thriller, United States 6 Sep 2023Dylan Talleux, Frederic Dagmey, Guilhem Malgoire, Jérémy Debord, Manon Grach, Melvin Nkosi, Michael Chaves, Sarah Boutin, Stephanie Le Jamtel, Tanya Larcinese Trailer Watch